Get to Know a BoD Member

Get to Know a WAMDA BoD Member: Bridget Gosiewski, MS, RDN, LDN, Treasurer Elect

Current place of employment and job title:
I work at Trinity Health of New England in Springfield, MA as one of the bariatric dietitians.

What inspired you to pursue a career in nutrition and dietetics?
I always enjoyed the topic of nutrition, so when I learned I could have a career in nutrition and then use that knowledge to help others, I was sold!

Why did you become a WAMDA member?
I joined WAMDA this year because I love what I do as a dietitian and WAMDA felt like an excellent way to expand what I do as a dietitian to help others. It is also a great way to get to know other dietitians in the area!

What goals do you have for your career?
I received my MS in nutrition this past year, so that was a huge check for my bucket list. Currently I am happy in bariatrics, but I could also see myself happy in an inpatient clinical setting.

What are your favorite hobbies outside of work?
I spend a lot of time practicing yoga, spending quality time with my rabbit (Lacey), and I’ve recently gotten into going to some local hockey games (go UMass!).

Interested in joining the WAMDA BoD? Please reach out to [email protected]